B2B Community Builder Show (formerly Chief Executive Connector)
Nothing decreases the cost of acquisition and lifetime value of clients like word of mouth (WOM), and the ultimate word of mouth flywheel is a community designed around your clients and prospects.
BUT where do you find the playbook that makes that happen?
That is why this podcast exists- to give you the toolset you need to run your business effectively, while building your community of superconsumers.
Topics include category design, evangelism, content strategy, and other modernized concepts for business development that create digital word of mouth.
249 episodes
Getting The First Sentence Of Your Webpage Perfect with Joe Martin
In today's world - having a website that hooks people from the first sentence is vital if you want to survive & thrive in the digital economy, but if you're like me, we struggle to really nail that first line.That's why, for the nex...

Ep 225 | A.I. Isn't The Problem, Trust Is: How To Build Trust In An A.I. World with Bryan Kramer
It's no secret that AI has revolutionized the way we do business, from automating mundane tasks to creating personalized experiences. But as the AI revolution marches on, there's a growing misconception that human connections no longer matter. ...
Season 5
Episode 225

Tips On Becoming A Better Public Speaker And Getting Invited To Speak
This continuation of the show with Terry Weaver is a good one. As soon as we opened up the mic, we started asking Terry, who puts together two great events a year (The Thing), about:- how to make better keynotes- how t...

Ep 224 | Creativity, Collaboration, & Confidence: The One Thing For Entrepreneurs w/ Terry Weaver
Entrepreneurship can be many things: fulfilling, maddening, lucrative, demoralizing, exhilarating, lonely, etc., and community can help normalize the roller coaster ride.But simplification is the best tool to reduce chaos.That's...
Season 5
Episode 224

Why Jerry Seinfeld Is A Category Designer
This is part of one of our open mic sessions where my friend Joel Mena stops by to discuss his evangelism and community building around the UX community of Miami, then I try to convince him why I think Jerry Seinfeld is a category designer....

Ep 223 | Why The Chief Evangelist Has Become The Next Business Trend w/ Ethan Beute
Some companies are out there capturing demand from the market and doing it well. Then there are other companies that are doing things differently. Maybe it's an innovation the world hasn't fully understood yet. Maybe i...
Season 5
Episode 223

Advice On Building An Audience, Repurposing Content, and Just Getting Started With Content Creation
I recently took a call from a friend on LinkedIn asking me about things I often get hit up about, and it ended up being a great call so I asked him if I could publish it, and he said ok!He then told me what his reasons for reaching out ...

BEHIND THE SCENES: How To Build Community Off A Podcast w/ Pablo Gonzalez
I recently had the honor to speak at the Community Led Growth Summit about building a community off a podcast. This isn't that presentation. This is the behind the scenes onboarding call with

Frameworks For Turning Your Employees Into LinkedIn Ambassadors For Your Brand
After Rachel's amazing episode, the community stuck around and shared some real practical frameworks they've used, seen used, or heard of to get your team to help grow your brand on LinkedIn.Join us on the next Relationship Driven Growt...

Ep 222 | Growing On LinkedIn Through Employees Advocacy Instead of Ads with Rachel Simon
LinkedIn has long been dismissed as just a site for recruiters. Then savvy business development professionals found success using it as a networking site - a digital rolodex for professionals. But what if we told you that LinkedIn...
Season 5
Episode 222

3 Steps of Should I Start A Community, Apple's Launch You Never Heard Of, & Alex Hormozi's Perfect Offer Formula on RDG Open Mic
This is another excerpt from the Relationship Driven Growth Open Mic Session.Join us at the next one!Tinyurl.com/B2BCB2023

Ep 221 | Making The Community Play Work For Small Business w/ Suzanne Taylor King
Most people think they know what it takes to build a thriving online community. But most people get it wrong.That's why when I saw Suzanne Taylor-King building from scratch and hearing from everyone involved they knew this was different...
Season 5
Episode 221

Host An Event For Less Than $500 Or An Airport Book Signing For Free
Hosting an event is a great way to build your brand, but people tend to overcomplicate doing it.That's why we used last week's relationship driven growth open mic to share a couple of low cost, low effort, high impact events that our co...

Ep 220 | Tools For Becoming A Great Conversationalist w/ Guest Host, Yurii Lazaruk
Richard Branson famously said, "Communication is the most important skill any leader can possess," and conversations are the base of communication.But I've never seen any training on how to be a great conversationalist.That's wh...
Season 5
Episode 220

Using Category Design For Conflict Resolution - RDG Open Mic Session
The strategy of category design involves creating a new category instead of competing in an existing one. By marketing the problem rather than the solution, companies have succeeded in capturing 76% market share in their category.

Ep 219 | Attracting Top Talent To Drive Word Of Mouth Growth: A Marketing Approach to Hiring with Ryan Englin
You're out there working your tail off to attract new clients, and even harder to keep them happy enough to refer you to their friends.But if you put that same effort into attracting talent, you can accomplish both those things mo...
Season 5
Episode 219

Understanding The Effect Of AI: An Non-Technical Explanation
There’s a lot of talk about the effect of AI an a lot of it is super heady, but the majority of us aren’t super nerds.That’s why we had a discussion about what it means to us right now in the short run as part of our latest Relationship...

Ep 218 | 3 Ways To Listen To The Market And Innovate with Michael Haynes
Small business owners spend a lot of time thinking about how to gain a competitive advantage, and will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on experts to help them do so.But no one knows your clients like your clients themselves.<...
Season 5
Episode 218

Ep 217 | How To Use ChatGPT For Small Teams and Hustlers with Jon Briggs
We all need to keep up with the high demand for fresh and engaging content, and have been told that Artificial Intelligence tools are the answer, but don't have time to test everything we hear about.That's why I'm bringing back Jo...
Season 5
Episode 217

Advice On Messaging For A New Niche From Joe Zboch- Excerpt From The Relationship Driven Growth Open Mic Session
My friend Simon Zatyrka has launched a food industry consulting business around the concept of being a "culinary mechanic". It's a brilliant take on the value of a chef as master of...

Ep 216 | Get Your Clients To Market For You - Evangelist Led Growth w/ Leslie Greenwood
Formalized evangelists are becoming a growing trend in B2B, and they are crucial for driving community, but you need more than one evangelist to drive community growth.That's why we're having Leslie Greenwood teach us how she was able t...
Season 5
Episode 216

Ep 215 | Event Led Growth For SMEs That Think They Can't Do More Events But Want To w/ Mark Kilens
The business closest to the customer wins.This is because if you can speak directly to your customers' pain points in their own language, they trust you have the solution they need.But businesses tend to spend the majority of th...
Season 5
Episode 215

Laid Off Recently? Advice On Job Hunting vs Freelancing vs Both - Community Advice on Relationship Driven Growth Open Mic w/ Brett Trainor
The economy is getting worse and people are being laid off, but job hunting isn't their only option.That's why we took some time on the Relationship Driven Growth Open Mic session that follows our Monday shows to talk about your options...

Ep 214 | How To Get On Podcasts & Evangelize Your Message w/ Pablo Gonzalez
The easiest way to grow an audience is to leverage other audiences, and guesting on podcasts is a great way to do it.But most of the outreach I get to be on my show SUCKS.That's why I'm going to share what works.We're go...
Season 5
Episode 214

Lessons Learned From Podcasting At A Trade Show - w/ Rita Richa
Every week, after the live show, we go into an open mic session where our community shares speaking points and insights.This week led to a phenomenal conversation about how to launch a podcast successfully at a live event.It sta...