B2B Community Builder Show (formerly Chief Executive Connector)
Nothing decreases the cost of acquisition and lifetime value of clients like word of mouth (WOM), and the ultimate word of mouth flywheel is a community designed around your clients and prospects.
BUT where do you find the playbook that makes that happen?
That is why this podcast exists- to give you the toolset you need to run your business effectively, while building your community of superconsumers.
Topics include category design, evangelism, content strategy, and other modernized concepts for business development that create digital word of mouth.
B2B Community Builder Show (formerly Chief Executive Connector)
Tips On Becoming A Better Public Speaker And Getting Invited To Speak
This continuation of the show with Terry Weaver is a good one.
As soon as we opened up the mic, we started asking Terry, who puts together two great events a year (The Thing), about:
- how to make better keynotes
- how to land speaking engagements
- how to make content to increase your influence
Connect with Terry and go to one of his events!